Thursday, May 12, 2011
So, my i7-920 has been calculating this for the last 12 hours, and the end is nowhere in sight. Still, processor usage was low, so I fired up X-Plane on my three screens, connected to IVAO and had a short flight from Pearce to Jandakot in a PA-310 (Piper Malibu). Still having issues with oil pressure in the simulation. In the green at idle, and as soon as the throttle is advanced, it goes into yellow.
Monday, May 02, 2011
X-Plane versus FSX
So which is best?
Well, they both have strengths and weaknesses, which I will summarise in a short, concise post.
Graphics hog. Even on my i7-920 with 2 GTX280s in SLI, can't have all sliders maxed.
Variety of planes on offer from developers.
More support from addon manufacturers, specifically in the form of adventures, weather programs.
Flight modelling is based on tables, calibrated to reflect real-world performance.
Interface for IVAO is better, and thus I fly online with FSX (not FSX or X-Plane's fault).
Flight modelling is based on aerodynamics of each surface element, calibrated to reflect real-world performance.
You can simulate marginal aerodynamics, e.g. stalling, engine loss after takeoff on a twin, etc. much better.
Instructor interface is better.
Rotorblade simulation.
Turboprop simulation.
There may be many more, but I want to make the following point: I grew up with
FS4 Graphics and sound upgrade
FS4 Scenery and plane designer
Red Baron
And of all these, I find X-Plane the best system FOR ME. I can start the program, be up and flying very quickly, and that swings it for me. The X-Plane addon scene is catching up, and it will be interesting to see what Microsoft Flight brings to the table, as with X-Plane 10 when it is eventually released.
Both will be added to my stable.
Australian carbon debate a joke
I don't often comment on politics, but this one really irked me.
The Australian steel makers (Bluescope and One Steel) complained about the proposed carbon tax, stating that it will increase their production cost by ~AUD40/t of steel at a carbon price of AUD20/t.
The government responded by stating that the numbers are incorrect, and that the increase will only be AUD2/t.
Let's get this straight. For every tonne of steel produced, about 2 tonnes of CO2 is produced (This varies from plant to plant, but only in the range of 1.8 to 2.5). So for a AUD20/t CO2 carbon tax, that is 20 AUD/t CO2 x 2 t CO2/t steel = AUD40/t steel.
Come on, Gillard Government. We are not all idiots. You will harm the manufacturing industry, and this may have consequences in terms of job losses and the general need to support people I am not sure you are prepared for. Or are you just lying to the general populous?
A year without my father

It has been one year to the day that my father passed away. The anniversary of his passing has brought back many memories, some good and some bad. The good memories are of the times we spent together, the first time he took me fishing, teaching me how to drive, Sunday afternoon roast chicken lunches, Sunday night chicken curry.
The bad memories of that Sunday one year ago, the funeral that followed, seeing family and friends under circumstances I would rather not have experienced.
But such is life. We all have to go through this some time in our life. Never easy, though. And no-one told me just how hard it was going to be.
Now, one year later, I still very much feel the pain and loss.
The bad memories of that Sunday one year ago, the funeral that followed, seeing family and friends under circumstances I would rather not have experienced.
But such is life. We all have to go through this some time in our life. Never easy, though. And no-one told me just how hard it was going to be.
Now, one year later, I still very much feel the pain and loss.
So let me tell you, it will be very tough. You can not imagine the pain and sorrow and emptiness that you will feel. And see, that doesn't prepare you. Because you just can not imagine it.
Worst part is that God feels the same so often, everytime someone dies without knowing Him.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Create a Glossary in Microsoft Word
As good as Word is, there is no tool to do this with automatically. Well, thanks to my favourite search engine found this link. Bit of work involved, but it works, and my client is now happy.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sanity prevails in carbon debate
At last, a position paper that correctly states the whole lifecycle has to be analysed, and the results are what logic dictates: Steel is better than alternative materials. Ones this takes hold, expect to see bauxite and aluminum stocks decrease in value.
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