Arnold crawling
Arnold crawling. Just days before he turns one. And what better motivator to crawl than dad's phone...
Welcome to the lovely city of Cairns, Queensland. Where the sun always shines (Well, at least half the time). Here we will deal with some of my hobbies, passions, and general thoughts. Enjoy, and contribute if you want to.
Arnold crawling. Just days before he turns one. And what better motivator to crawl than dad's phone...
Two long days behind us. Katja was a sheep in the Christmas production at Riverview. Four services later, and tomorrow I have to do Cockburn Central. Since I have to leave early tomorrow, presents were opened tonight. Here are some pics from both events:
Unfortunately we had Arnold open his firefighting truck first. Sorry, Hanretti family, he came close, but never opened your present (though he loves his turtle pillow now).
Seems that I have fathered another child. Makes me happy. Slowly nearing my goal of a large family.
Will have to reconsider my aeroplane purchase strategy, though. Now need an extra seat...